Meet The Artist!

Carolyn Larue
Artist | Creator | Mother
My History
I have loved art since I could hold a crayon. My mother says I would be entertained for hours even from a very young age. My whole life I’ve received messages that art is only good for a hobby but it has always been my dream to create and sell my art full time.
Since 2019 I delved headfirst into fluid art, consuming as many tutorials and videos as I could and all while creating my own art. It has been challenging and enriching. I’ve been selling my art at local markets and slowly building my confidence. Leaning into my creative self has really helped me flourish and grow as a person.

At first I converted half our dining table into my art studio (which wasn’t sustainable for my marriage, lol) and I would stay up for hours after putting my baby down to sleep playing with paint on our dining room floor! I honestly dont know how I did it considering how precious sleep was back then. Now I have a dedicated studio space that I share with another artist who’s medium of choice is sunlight. Very cool stuff.
I followed the sensible path setting off to become an Electrician at 16, after 4 years I was licensed and exited the industry as a Building Automation Engineer by age 28. I loved coding and making things work but I was sick of the politics and only ever working with men. Throughout this time I never stopped creating though. Here’s some of my early work I made as gifts for friends and family: